GUERILLIA YOUR DREAMS var en udstilling, der interesserede sig for individets realisering af drømme og visioner. Om at kæmpe med og imod de konventioner der bliver pålagt fra samfundet, omverdnen, men også opretholdt af det enkelte individ.
Udstillingen handlede om at fokusere på disse konventioner at genkende dem for at kunne forholde sig til dem, og derved at opnå en total mental og fysisk frihed til at handle ud fra de inderste drømme.

Denne Soaptekst var en del af udstillingen "Guerilla your dreams".
Teksten blev vist som hjemmelavede undertekster til den Amerikansk producerede soapopera "Married with children", som på dansk har titlen "vore værste år".
Texten og TV-stykket har ingen umiddelbar sammenhæng, hvilket giver helheden en absurd kombination af en masseproduceret plastisk sarkatisk humor og en sårbar, nøgtern funderen over individet i tilværelsen.
Teksten fremgår som en bevidsthed hos en ikke-tilstedeværende beskuer af soap-operaen.

Kirstine Roepstorf

GUERILLA YOUR DREAMS was an exhibition interested in the individual's realization of dreams and visions. It dealt with fighting for or against the norm-setting values imposed on us by society and our environment, but also maintained by individuals.

The exhibition was about focusing on these conventions¬recognizing them in order to be able to deal with them and thus attain the total mental and physical freedom to act on innermost dreams.

Kirstine Roepstorf

I want reality!
But I don't know what is real.
"Real is everything you bump into" he said. But I know that there is an almost infinite number of realities, wheels within wheels within wheels all spinning inside each other in endless games within games.
I know - or I believe that I'm real, but on the other hand I'm not sure that my reality counts no more than any other stupid dream.

I'm really starting to get bored!
My mind is starting to disintegrate.
I can no longer believe in the reality of the obvious world.
I still have thoughts. I'm not doing them. They are doing me.
I might as well give up and just let it all happen.
I see myself as a mechanical machine without any meaning or significance.
I'm kind of the helpless victim of a plot against myself.
They know.
I don't.
This is how it all is.

I give up my humble opinions about life, about social structures, about love/hate relations, its all inherited laws built up from my early childhood, from the day I was born. Most of it really matters but then again, its often coincidences that bring you where you are among who you are.
The eyes of the social structure or law is constantly watching you, trying to keep you in line from what ever step you might take.
It doesn't scare me, But I'm trying to make sure that it is me who decides.

Kirstine Roepstorf

Biografi / Biography:

Kirstine Roepstorf Født / born 1972, Virum, Denmark

Uddannelse / Education:
1994- Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, København.

Udstillinger / Exhibitions:
1994 Kunstbiblioteket, Sønderborg, (DK).
N.K.O.T.B, Saga Basement, København.
1995 Las Vegas- Grand Opening, København, Hotel Inter-Las Vegas, Istandbul, Hey Jytte!!, Rådskældren, København, Skulpturpark, Billund, (DK).
1996 Convoy, Turbinehallerne, København.UPDATE, Turbinehallerne, København, Down Town, bogprojekt / book project, Berlin, Hej, hvordan går det?, Rådskældren, København, EXILES, Overgaden, København, Forum Galleriet, Malmø(S), Hej, hvordan går det?, Galleri Eat me,København.
1997 The End, Gallerie Christian Dam, København,Tegningudstilling, Kørners Kontor, København, Kvinder på bar, Event på The Moose, København, Sheep with no meadows, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, København, Ex-centrics, Vordingborg, (DK), Guerilla your dreams, (solo). Gallery Campbells Occasionally, København.