"Tea for free" 1997. Foto / photo.
Tea for Free is a system which is developed in co-operation with technical engineer Bertel Jensen and graduate engineer Ivan Katic, both with DTI Energi, Dansk Teknologisk Institut (DIT Energy, Danish Institute of Technology).
During the period from 12/7/97 to 17/8/97 the system is mounted in a closed-down lighthouse, a tower located in the northernmost part of Denmark: at the Skaw between the North Sea and the Kattegat. As basic conditions, the particular geographical position and the specific architectural design of the tower influenced the development ofTea for Free.
In general the system consists of the following components: a folding-table, tea bags, plastic cups, paper napkins, a water tank, and a white thermos (1,5 litres) with a pump. An immersion heater with a thermostat is installed within the thermos. The thermostat disconnects the energy source when the temperature reaches the boiling point. On the wall the visitor will find directions for use: a text which describes in ten points how the separate individual can produce his/her own hot cup of tea, and subsequently incorporate it in his/her body while climbing the stairs of the tower--finally getting out into the open at the top.
The above-mentioned objects of the Tea for Free system are installed on the first floor of the tower. On the folding-table the thermos is placed, with flexes connecting the immersion heater inside with a lunch box made of white plastic which contains the technical components of the thermostat. From the lunch box another flex follows the stairs to the second floor of the tower. The flex continues to the third and the fourth floor. Thus the visitor follows the flex as he/she follows the stairs. The flex ends on the fifth floor, outside on the top of the lighthouse. Here the flex is connected to three panels with solar cells. These panels are kindly provided by Gaia-Solar.
Anja Franke, summer 1997
Biografi / Biography:
Anja Franke
Født/ born in 1962Uddannelse / Education:
1981-85 Fagfotograf, København og New York
1988-94 Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, KøbenhavnSeparatudstillinger / Solo exhibitions:
1989 Rum mod Rum, Gentofte kunstbibliotek, Hellerup.
1993 Projektion/Projection, Lageret, Kunstforeningen, København.
1994 Air Box, Max Mundus, København.
1995 Et måltid, Overgaden, København, Æbler, Galleri LXX, Århus, UDSLIP; et objekt, Max Mundus, København.
1996 Rotated but Dead Green, Max Mundus, København.
Gruppeudstillinger / Group exhibitions:
1989 Værdibillede, Efterårsudstillingen, Charlottenborg, København.
1990 Benefit Show, Baghuset, København, Area, m. Dorte Jelstrup. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, København.
1991 Room Service, m. Helene Illeris og Tine Borg, Studiestræde 16, København.
1992 Overgaden, København m. Tine Borg, Helene Illeris, Ane Vester, Ann Kristin Lislegaard og Jenny Marie Johnsen.
1993 International Grafikudstilling, Tokyo, Japan.
1996 Sensus Communis, Skovhuset, Værløse, Ude af Form, Arken, Museum for moderne kunst, Ishøj, Hot Zone, Skovhuset, Værløse.
1997 LfToR, Laboratorium for Tid og Rum, Brandts Klædefarik, Odense.Bibliografi / Bibliography:
1989 "Rum mod Rum"
1993 "Projektion/Projection", Lageret Kunstforeningen, København.
1994 "Air Box" Et interview m. Kaj Aage Drafenharden
1995 "et måltid", Overgaden, Kulturministeriets udstillingsbybning for nutidig kunst, København.
1996 "Sensus Communis", Skovhuset, Værløse, "Hot Zone", Skovhuset, Værløse
1997 "LfToR", Brandts KlædefabrikAndre aktiviteter / Other activities:
1994 Medstifter af /Cofounder of "Max Mundus" (udstillingssted og videoarkiv for kunst) Medstifter af / Cofounder of "Månedsskrift for kunst og kunstrelateret materiale", i redaktion med billedkunstner Jørgen Michaelsen.Video produktioner / Video productions:
1994 "Rusland", m. Jørgen Michaelsen, "2V Lejlighed".
1995 "Labotik afd.: 01-04", "Labotik afd.: 05-09", "et måltid", "HUSET".
1996 "Apple Air - The Kitchen".