"Summer" 1996. Videostill.


"Artistfilm" 1996. Videostill.


Three days performance with mother at Rupert Goldsworthy. Berlin 1996.


"Artist Musical" 1997. Videostill.


Biografi / Biography:

Annika Ström
Født / born 1964 in Helsingborg, Sverige.
Sophienstr 26/27 101 78 Berlin tel/fax +4930 2858139

Main works 95-97
Swedish traveller
-95 3 minutes video about a Swede in a far-away foreign country who uninterruptly maintains a monolog about her perception of her superior home country. This piece is about being a traveller and creating a superficial national identity (identifying oneself with sports results, car production, famous popbands etc) as a cover against the overflow of impressions from a different culture.

Annika Ström&Anna Ström
Performance with Anna Ström October 95. The artist's mother, who didn't made a drawing in 48 years, spends 3 days in the gallery making drawings of the daughter. Surrounding this live installation, whereby mother is obliged to transform her image of the daughter into a visual work, comfort items have been installed, for example, a camping bed for rest, a swedish radio and newspapers, food, a coffeemachine, wine, a blanket etc. Catalouge available.

Charts. Tabellen. Statistics personal mood conditions of an artist.95-96
How much I cried during a ten days period!" What I think about myself during a week in December!" etc

Windowpillow 13 minute video + objects -95. An installation with homemade objects which are designed to make it more comfortable to lean out of windows, a common habit in Berlin. This practice (leaning out of the window) would not be acceptable in Scandinavia- a culture in which one does not openly show/display curiosity from inside ones own private space and a culture which does not reveal publically the appearance of loneliness. In the video people from different countries are interviewed about their reaction to this particularly German habit and the pillows.

Artist film 20 minutes 1996. A compact video about artist identity, artist behavior and being involved in a culture which is unknown to another part of the world (parts; western artist" and indonesian man"). Including titles such as: what I would like to be if I was not an artist,",,showing work to american curator",,Artist in studio," ,,Opening," and Videoart."

2000 questionaire forms offering a Bed& breakfast week long stay for frustrated, envious and/or uninspired artists with a running video documentary of different people speaking about their impression of the grant recipient (which is given in Annika Ströms private appartment). The grant welcomes people to apply. In April a New York artist recieved the grant. Her stay will be documented. Thus far the Video is 8 minutes and will be continued.

Annika Ström in Sweden -95, photographs
Photographs with my family playing off private tragedy as it is created by the photographic press.

One week video 15 minutes/ 7 paintings of Swedish heimat".
An artist leaves the city determined to paint landscapes. She stays one week in a small summer house in the Swedish countryside while a video camera ``the private viewer'' watches and registers the artist's activities while she spends time in her childhood summer place.

Music video Summer 96." 3 1/2 minutes The video is recorded in the artist'sempty parental home in Sweden. The artist sings homemade simple sad love songs in German and plays music on a minisyntezizer acting as if to have an audience but aware of not having one. Songs in video: Bleib bei mir! Ohne dich. Hast du mich vergessen? Ich liebe dich. Ich habe eine frage.
Gramophonerecord available including 7 songs. Released at Landspeed records London 100 ex.

Artist musical
video ca 14 min -97 interviews with artists in Berlin, New York, and London who are asked to talk about an artist they remember as an upcoming star" or an idol they admired some 5-10 years back and who now is out of the artscene or left it to pursue another interest. Meanwhile an artist (Annika Ström) sings and performes songs about her profession. A video about fame desire and artist identity.
All lyrics, vocals and music by Annika Ström. The music artsongs" includes: What shall I do for that show, Why aint I in that show, Why don't you tell me? I am good, bad. and others- CD will be available fall1997.


Uddannelse / Education:
1988-89, 1990-91 Malmö konstskola Forum, Malmö
1991-97 Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, København.

Separatudstillinger,Visninger / Solo exhibitions, Screenings:
1997 Shift kunstverein med Claudia Hart, Berlin, Casey Kaplan gallery, New York, Videopotrait nrX, Rooseum Museum for contemporary art Malmø, "The Pinapple" projekt, Malmø.
1996 Annika Ström, Rupert Goldsworthy gallery Berlin*.
1995 Anna Ström & Annika Ström, Rupert Goldsworthy gallery (3 days performance) Berlin*, Windowpillow, Galleri Saga Basement (J.Schou), København.

Udvalgte gruppeudstillinger / Selected group exhibitions:
1997 Ny kunst i Danmark og Skåne - Louisiana, Humlebæk,*, You still can stop.., Stalke galleri, København*, Museet för samtidskunst, Roskilde (DK)*, Shift kunstverein, Berlin at gallery A.+T Fricke Düsseldorf, Då&Nu Helsingborgs konstmuseum, Helsingborg (S), Double bind, Galleri Enkehuset, Stockholm*.
1996 TidsandaIII, Nordisk konst, Malmø Konstmuseum, Malmö, When shit hits the fan, Overgaden, København*, Gramercy Art Fair with R.Goldsworthy gallery, New York, vardagslivet psykopatalogi!, Galleri Struts, Oslo, Coming up, Stalke galleri, København.
1995 5 artists, Galleri Struts, Oslo, Trans.form.identity, Overgaden, København.

Udvalgte visninger / Selected screenings:
1997 Performance festival, Videoshow Kunsthallen Brandts klædefabrik, Odense*,
1996 Electronic Undercurrent, video in Europe, Statens Museum for Kunst*, København,Compartments, Escape attempts (videoprogram), arr. Globe*, København, Serveral subjects, Video, Smart Show v. Artnode Internet/video, Stockholm, Internordisk videoafton, galleri m balkong, Oslo, Frontal video, Statens Museum for Kunst*, København.

Udvalgte projekter / Selected Projects:
"Zoom" performancefestival arr:galleri m.balkong & Zoolounge koncert with music from Summer-96 music available vinylrecord 7 songs Oslo, -"Hvad laver en....på en øde ø?Song-installation on island Middelgrundsfortet Copenhagen, curated by Jacob Fabricius, CD available fall 97, -"Grant" Accommodation in the artist private appartment for frustrated artists. The grant is international and welcomes people to apply., -Record release soundtrack to the video film "summer 96", including 7 songs lyrics, vocals, music by Annika Ström landspeedrecord, London 100 ex.

Bibliografi / Bibliography:
Åsa Nacking "Annika Ström" Paletten 4/95 (S) Harald Fricke "Kunst in Berlin Jetzt" TAZ 27/4-96(D) Martin Conrad " Südschwedische Hausfrau" Zitty no.10/96(D) Bengt Adlers "med humor och skärpa" kvällsposten feb 97 (S) Pontus Kyander "Akademiernas återkomst" Sydsvenska dagbladet 8/6 (S) 97 Mai Misfeldt "afgang 97" Berlinske tidene (DK) 4 juni 97

Udgivelser af kunstneren / Printed matter by the artist:
"Grant"/"Annika Ström & Anna Ström"/"Statistics" text:Staffan Boije af Gennäs & Mitz Flor/"Welcome"/ Lyrics-Artist songs

* Katalog / Catalogue.